The Lone Star state wants you to be well informed about all the aspects of homeownership. We have a lot of information we need to tell you about and acknowledge that we did. Let’s go over it one by one.
Home Inspections
It is highly recommended that you have your prospective new home inspected. Click here to read more and initial. (For your protection get a home inspection, inspector information, questions to ask and list)
Home Owners Insurance
If you are financing the purchase of your new home you will be required to purchase insurance to protect this new asset of yours! Even if you are not required to have it, it’s still smart to insure your home. Click here to read about this important information regarding property insurance.
Information about Special Flood Areas
It’s important to know if your property is in a flood zone. Once we find your home, that is one of the first things we check for, but you can also check FEMA encourages all property owners to purchase flood insurance regardless of whether or not your property is in a high risk zone.
Protecting your Home from Mold
Mold growth problems can adversely affect many homeowners in Texas.
And don’t worry, we want to make sure you are well informed and understand each document before you sign, so we will be going over all of these with your when it’s time.