Our list of favorite local businesses and partners.
Accountant | William Scott | 210.494.7712 | www.williamdscottcpa.com |
Alarms | ADT Alarm Service - Tracy Biehunko | 281.736.0674 |
Carpet and Tile Cleaning | White Glove Cleaning Service | 210.342.DUST (3878) | www.thewhiteglove.biz |
Cosmetics | Mary Kay - Mary Jane | 210.947.0837 |
Dry Cleaner | Dutch Boy Cleaners | Multiple Locations | www.DutchBoyCleaners.com |
Electrician | David Bechtel | 210.723.2493 |
Electrician | Ron Dalvia | 210.391.1010 |
Estate Planning |
Weisinger Law Firm | 210.468.8302 | www.weisingerlawfirm.com |
Etiquette Classes | Fun with Ettiquette | Irma Wolcott | 956.492.4762 |
Event Planning | Sweet August Events - Katherine Lopez | 210.269.5641 | www.sweetaugustevents.com |
Exterior Siding/Windows | Amazing Exteriors Terry Jackson | 210.384.2297 | www.amazingexteriors.com |
Financial Advisor | Laurie Smith at Edward Jones | 512.701.5707 |
Financial Advisor | Reliance Retirement Services Dana Dunkelburger | 210.255.3040 |
Handyman | Israel Leon | 210.889.1835 |
Handyman | Darwyn Owen | 210.394.4752 |
Home Inspector | Chris DeMarco | TREC #8670 | A Pro Home Inspections | 210.688.9577 |
Home Inspector | Michael Hermann | TREC #9488 | Blue Knight Home Inspection | 210.289.0437 |
Home Inspector | Walter Surgnier | TREC #21712 | Focal Point Inspections | 210.383.7890 |
HVAC | Killenair HVAC | 210.255.9664 | www.killenair.com |
Home Insurance | Goosehead Insurance | Gabe Becerra | 210.347.5597 |
Lawn | Dependable Lawn Care | John Howarth | 210.865.1907 |
Mortgage Banker | Shelly Cohn NMLS 220989 Pilgrim Mortgage | 210.685.5661 | www.teamshelly.com |
Mortgage Broker | Geoff Snyder NMLS 211449 Clarity Mortgage | 210.508.7242 | www.claritymortgagetx.com |
Moving | First Responders Moving | 210.616.1020 | www.firstrespondersmoving.com |
Nails | Pinky’s Nail and Spa | Tanya | 210.599.3893 | |
Painter | Jesse DeLeon Painting | 210.643.7225 |
Pest Control | Texas Pest Control | 210.496.5918 |
Pets | Penny's Pet Parlor | 210.653.0450 |
Doggie Daycare | Pawderosa Ranch | 210.404.9941 |
Plumber | Anchor Plumbing | Paul | 210.843.5800 |
Plumber | Buffalo Plumbing | 210.990.BUFF (2833) | www.buffaloplumbingcompany.com |
Pool | Pool House | 210.826.7665 | www.poolhousesa.com |
Probate/Estate Attorney | Law offices of Kevin Berry | 210.828.5844 | www.kevinberrylaw.com |
Remodeler | KM Builders | Keith | 210.680.5626 | www.KMbuilders.com |
Remodeler | Precision Contracting | Joe Dubbels | 210.214.5259 | www.precisioncontracting.com |
Roofer | Oran Roofing/Construction Nathan Hughes | 210.257.6691 | www.oranconstruction.net |
Seamstress | Maria at Dutchboys Cleaners 3515 Thousand Oaks |
Veterinarian | Alamo Hills Animal Hospital | 210.804.2000 | www.alamohillsanimalhospital.com |
Window Cleaning | Window Gang | 210.946.4264 |
Window Repair | Johnny & Sonny's | 210.653.1801 |
Wood Floors | Impressive Wood Floors | Alex | 210.912.0675 |